Nationwide Coverage


Unlock more business opportunities.

Explore our interactive map below to see where our network of qualified providers is delivering results across a range of field service specialties. Just select a work type and state to view coverage.

Service Engagements

Handle everything from large-scale rollouts to quick fixes.

Get nationwide coverage

Find the coverage you need across cities and towns nationwide.

Find coverage fast

Fill positions in minutes with local, experienced technicians.

Maintain/repair equipment

Whether before or after something breaks, you’ll find technicians qualified to service it.

Discover the perfect match with Field Nation.

Directly connect with field IT professionals to address customer demand efficiently. Respond swiftly to new opportunities and ensure customer satisfaction with instant access to skilled technicians.

Start with Field Nation to discover:


Thousands of work orders completed annual


High average first-time fix rate


Average response time in minutes

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Our partners are platform superheroes

Our network of Platform Management Partners is highly trained on Festation, skilled in vetting and sourcing talent, and expert at delivering quality service. Some of their key capabilities include:

  • Project scoping (creating projects, templates, analyzing pay rates, etc.)
  • Talent management (vetting, assigning, scheduling, and confirming technicians)
  • Reviewing and/or approving deliverables (based on your predetermined criteria)